Chinese Tourists and Wine Drinkers to Top the Charts – How to Get into the Action

We thought this message about the value Chinese tourists bring to Australia now and into the future was so important that we made a video about it:  A much younger version of me!  But the information is still relevant today.

Chin Communications was interpreting at the Australia China Tourism Summit  and we learnt that Chinese tourists are the number one spenders in Australia.   Post-pandemic their numbers are building again. One of the key messages out of the conference for me was that you have to present your attraction in Chinese to have a chance of sharing in those dollars. Most Chinese decide on their travel on the internet or on WeChat – and, guess what – it needs to be in Chinese or they won’t find you.  Once they arrive, details of your offering also must be in good Chinese, or they won’t value the experience.

A big focus must be on improving language and cultural understanding – abilities that are currently lacking.

If you are having your tourism materials translated – take great care – we saw one recently for “The Number One Day Tour Company in Queensland” – the translator just didn’t understand and it became “The One-Day Tour Company in Queensland” – just another tour operator, it seems!


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